Formula: La(NO3)3.6H2O CAS No.: 10277-43-7 Molecular Weight: 432.92 Density: N/A Melting point: N/A Appearance: Off-white crystalline Solubility: Soluble in water and strong mineral acids Stability: Easily hygroscopic Multilingual: LanthanNitrat, Nitrate De Lanthane, Nitrato Del Lantano |
Lanthanum Nitrate is mainly applied in specialty glass, water treatment and catalyst. Various compounds of Lanthanum and other rare-earth elements (Oxides, Chlorides, etc.) are components of various catalysis, such as petroleum cracking catalysts. Small amounts of Lanthanum added to steel improves its malleability, resistance to impact, and ductility, whereas addition of Lanthanum to Molybdenum decreases its hardness and sensitivity to temperature variations. Small amounts of Lanthanum are present in many pool products to remove the Phosphates that feed algae. |